Day 1 Saturday 22nd February 2020 for U12 & U13 age group only
All children that are competing please wear blue Longford AC singlet (available to purchase €25), plain white shorts OR plain black shorts and white socks. There is no pressure to purchase a singlet so if you don’t have one then child to wear plain t-shirt (this is a Connacht rule)
All children on U12 relay team to arrive at AIT indoor track at 9:00am. This is the 1st event and will be called into holding area at 9:45am for prompt start at 10am sharp.
According to the estimated timetable U13 girls Long jump and U12 Boys Shot Putt start at 10am so these children need to be at AIT by 9:20am. As soon as all your child’s events are over then you can leave, the estimated time for the day to finish is at 3:30-4pm.
Important: Events can run ahead of schedule or get behind so “timetable” is only an estimate!
If your child is only doing the 600m no need to arrive until lunch time (1:15pm)
Please bring snacks, drinks and lunch. NO drinking coffee\tea or eating is allowed inside the arena but there will be tables set up in the entrance area where you can sit to eat. The AIT canteen will be open so parents can go across at any time.
A big thank you as nearly everyone has already paid in advance!
NO training on Friday Feb 21st. If any questions email or text Leslie at 087-7960476.
Wishing all the children good luck and hope they all enjoy the experience.