From 15 October until the end of 2021, Friday evening athletics will take place on the astro over two separate one-hour slots: 6.30pm to 7.30pm and 7.30pm to 8.30pm.
This change is required due to reducing daylight hours along with there being no floodlights on the grass pitch on which the older children have been training over recent Fridays.
The groups, in each hour, are already assigned on the following basis:
6.30pm to 7.30pm:
- Little Athletics – all children in the five Little Athletics groups and
- Juvenile Athletics – those children in Juvenile Athletics who have a sibling(s) in Little Athletics.
7.30pm to 8.30pm:
- Juvenile Athletics – all other children. That is, those children with no sibling(s) in Little Athletics.
Apologies for any inconvenience this change may cause. It is however necessary to enable us to safely conduct training under the floodlights of the astro whilst keeping numbers at a manageable level across both hours. The 6.30 – 7.30 slot is now full.