Date: Saturday 15th October 2016, races start at 12:00 noon sharp
Venue: Sligo IT
Programme: 3rd/4th Class Junior Girls 1000 mts Cross Country
3rd/4th Class Junior Boys 1000 mts Cross Country
5th/6th Class Senior Girls 1200 mts Cross Country
5th/6th Class Senior Boys 1200 mts Cross Country
Then there will be adult races for the 1st leg of the Western Region Cross Country Senior, Novice & Masters Championships at 2pm.
Individual and team names submitted and all entry fees paid by Longford Athletic Club on behalf of primary schools in Co. Longford. On the day, collection of race numbers by all school s is open 10:30- 11am at Knocknarea Arena, Sligo IT. All Longford children to be there by 11am to collect their number, walk the course and warm up.