- Age categories calculated from 31st December in the year of competition. All children born in the same year regardless of month are in the same age group for the entire year.
- No athlete may obtain a birthday in the year of competition and compete in that age.
Age 8 years = U9 Born 2010
Age 9 years = U10 Born 2009
Age 10 years = U11 Born 2008
Age 11 years = U12 Born 2007
Age 12 years =U13 Born 2006
Age 13 years = U14 Born 2005
Age 14 years = U15 Born 2004
Age 15 years = U16 Born 2003
Age 16 years = U17 Born 2002
Age 17 years = U18 Born 2001
Age 18 years = U19 Born 2000